094: Tactical Trading Advice You Need To Hear & Trading Crypto-Currencies – Gino Topini

Gino Topini Trader Interview

In episode 94 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I interview Gino Topini, a Forex, stocks & crypto-currency trader based in London, UK. This man is one of the smartest traders I've met and shares some insightful tactical trading advice.

Gino has what I'd call a master drive to speed up his success in trading and he does it the right way. While I met him at the China Forex Expo in Shenzhen, I understood that Gino has taken sort of the “smart way to successful trading”, which is very uncommon to start with.

Starting to trade in 2007, he decided to go on his own in his trading Forex trading journey, and therefore spent more time studying and practicing his craft in the market on a daily basis.

Gino is also the co-ower, with Manila, of a business named Mj Web Studio LTD, which specializes in SEO, copywriting and web development. That is an excellent example of creating multiple streams of income and not putting all your eggs in one basket (one of Gino's advice).

Throughout this interview, we went together for the basic of trading that the trader so often tends to forget. Gino shares his personal ways of trading currencies, how he came up with winning trading strategies and some deep knowledge of crypto-currencies, mainly Bitcoins, as nowadays the market seem to offer a great opportunity for profit.

Here's a key takeaway:

“Trading is about loving what you are doing, interact with best traders and  trying new strategies.”

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Every trader is different from another, so everyone needs to find its own strategies to trade. - Gino Topini Share on X

In This Episode, You’ll Learn…

  • How to start trading (and take it seriously)
  • The easy way to diversify your trading
  • Tactical trading advice for beginners
  • How Gino dealt with the fear of losing real money
  • How long-term & short-term trading methods vary
  • Why & how to create your own trading strategy
  • What the process of continually testing trading strategies look like
  • How you can get disciplined to just follow the plan
  • How to run a business & trade at the same time (tactical trading advice for business owners)
  • Why Gino insists on having a business (not a 9-to-5 job!)
  • How Gino Topini trades crypto-currencies on eToro

Resources Mentioned In This Interview

DesireToTRADE’s Top Resources

How To Find Gino Topini?

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094: Tactical Trading Advice You Need To Hear & Trading Crypto-Currencies – Gino Topini