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How To Make A Living Trading Forex Using Your Psychology – Show Notes
In episode 123 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I am sitting down with Mandi Pour Rafsendjani to share with you how to become more successful in trading. We focus on the stages allowing traders to make a living trading Forex using the right psychology. This is the small part of what we covered in the Forex Trading Psychology Mastery program I'm hosting with Mandi. I hope you enjoy!
Topics Covered In This Episode
- What is necessary to be able to trade full time and make a living trading [02:25]
- Learn a few pieces of advice when you should start trading in terms of psychology [08:00]
- Trading plan restricts the freedom but it is the only way to succeed [10:20]
- Remember four components to success [13:30]
- How did Mandi decide to make a trading plan [18:25]
- Look at your life and what your preferences are and translate that into your trading [26:15]
- Mandi believes that how you do one thing you do everything [28:30]
- It is important to have a plan that you can follow over time [33:05]
- There are four major behavioral patterns that influence your trading plan [34:00]
- One thing people could do to take the first step to be the better traders [36:00]
DesireToTRADE Top Resources
- Desire To TRADE Forex Trader Community (free group!)
- Complete Price Action Strategy Checklist (free checklist!)
- One-Page Trading Plan (free template!)
- DesireToTRADE Academy
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