033: The Most Valuable Insights On Trading Psychology (@Andrew_Menaker)

Andrew Menaker - Trading Psychology Advice

Episode 33 of the Desire To Trade Podcast features Dr. Andrew Menaker, a highly knowledgeable and well-known psychologist in the trading world. Since 1995, Andrew has been coaching traders and top fund managers to achieve a better performance.

The Most Valuable Insights On Trading Psychology – Andrew Menaker

Being a trader himself, Andrew is frequently asked to speak at conferences and is constantly being requested bits of advice across the world.

I have personally been blown away by this interview. The depth of the information provided and the great interest I had in the topic made me listen very carefully to every single word spoken by Dr. Andrew Menaker on trading psychology.

From the start, Andrew Menaker mentioned: “no one can master trading”. This is a substantial thing to understand due to the fact that most of our decision-making is made subconsciously. Those looking to become perfect traders do not have a single chance to succeed.

In addition, we, as traders, bring our own personality to trading. Two traders do not see the exact same chart the same way. In fact, “We don't see the market as it is, we see the market as we are” is a powerful statement!

We don't see the market as it is, we see the market as we are @Andrew_Menaker Share on X

What’s covered in the podcast?

  • How Andrew transitioned toward becoming a trader
  • Why no trader can master trading & what to do about it
  • The source of our decision making
  • The greatest ability you must develop as a trader
  • What confidence truly is and how to get it
  • Andrew's #1 lesson for any trader
  • The true difference between a winning and a losing trade
  • How to journal powerfully
  • And so much more…

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033: The Most Valuable Insights On Trading Psychology (@Andrew_Menaker)