068: Trading Tips From A Forex Scalper – Jean-François Boucher

Jean-François Boucher: Trading Tips From A Forex Scalper

In episode 68 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I interview Jean-François Boucher, a Forex scalper located in Jasper, Alberta.

Jean-François started to trade stocks in the 90s as he worked for IBM. After losing countless amounts of money in options, he discovered the Forex market.

What I particularly like about Jean-François is his down-to-earth approach to trading. As a matter of fact, he knows there are no tricks to succeed quickly in trading. You must put in the work.

He also mentions a crucial fact, that is, risking 1% per trades allows you to come back. While we often see people risking way more than that, Jean-François' advice is still very important. You can't expect to increase your risk too high and stay in the game of trading for very long.  As traders, we are professional losers, so we better account for that.

Jean-François says: “it always starts small”, and that is the mindset you need to have if you want to see progress without blowing up countless trading accounts.

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You are your own holy grail. - Jean-Francois Boucher Share on X Stay 99% flat always. Put 1% on your trades. - Jean-François Boucher Share on X

In This Episode, You'll Learn…

  • How Jean-François first got involved in the Forex market.
  • The advantages of trading the Forex market.
  • How to go through the different phases of trading.
    • Losing money, breaking even, making some money, making tons of money.
  • How to remove (or reduce) indicators from your trading.
  • What the world looks like for a scalper.
  • How to scalp the market effectively.
  • An interesting way to journal about your trades.
  • The problem with trading robots
  • Very important money management rules no one mentions.
  • And much more!

What is one thing you are going to implement after listening to this podcast? Leave a comment below, or join me in the Facebook group!

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068: Trading Tips From A Forex Scalper – Jean-François Boucher