Top 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions By Aspiring Traders

My trading work station in Bangkok, Thailand.

I've been trying to come up with an idea for a post today to help aspiring traders visiting my site.

It's been over 30 mins…

So I decided to go back to simple!

Truth is… I'm getting a lot of emails on a daily basis.

And 95% of those emails concern the same issues.

So I want to give you my answers to questions you might have today!

#1: What your strategy, Etienne?

I'm glad you ask!

Although I trade a few different strategies (based on market conditions), my main one is a Bollinger Bands reversal strategy.

You can learn all about it in my !

#2: How much returns % should I aim for monthly?

If you search the web, you'll find “fake traders” swearing they consistently make 20% or more weekly.

If they did, those “traders” would be called every day by big funds & banks.

The reality is that small consistent returns are much better than big wins.

Investors always look at risks more than returns.


#3: How much money do I need to trade full-time?

In terms of money, it never matters where you start…

…as long as you have a plan to scale up!

I've done a video a long time ago (cringe) behind it!

That's still my most popular & most disliked to this day.

Now, if you don't have that full money right now, don't get pissed off!

Instead, make a plan and set a goal to get there!

Here's how you should !

#4: What brokers do you use?

Okay, first all the brokers I use are well regulated.

I also flew around the world to meet 2/3 of them.

That's because I care to see how they do things

…and how the team is.

Here are the brokers I use and why:

  • : great customer service and good deals for new clients, attractive leverage & spreads.
  • : safety broker for me, great team, bigger than AxiTrader.
  • : not so good customer service, but you can connect your account to TradingView

You can click on any of the broker names to receive a special deal I negotiated with them for you.

Also, feel free to check out my on Youtube!

#5: How do I stay disciplined in trading?

Here's where people get it wrong:

They think discipline is an action. It's not!

Discipline is a symptom of something not aligned!

If you work on the root cause, discipline will eventually come by itself.

And the best way to work on that is to go through the series of live training I've recorded with Mandi Pour Rafsendjani.


This is not something you'll go through in 1 day.

It's a long playlist. but I suggest you follow it like a proper university course!

#6: How can I get consistent in trading?

My favorite way of putting it is:

The only way to get consistent results is through consistent actions.

If you're not following a process that you've thoroughly tested for trading, then chances are your results won't be that great.

Most people leave that up to chance.

Here a video that will help you do the right things:

>> Watch:

#7: How long did it take you to become a profitable trader?

Fixing your trading to making it right doesn't take that much time.

But unfortunately, people who start trading waste a lot of energy & time on the wrong things!

This might involve thinking they know everything – I personally thought that for 2 years.

Usually, once you agree to do things seriously, you can get some momentum quite quickly.

>> Watch:

#8: How do I get capital to trade for others (investors/prop firms)?

Before I answer this, I believe that every trader should attempt trading for others after becoming profitable.

The reason is, this is a great way to develop your skills under pressure and to take things more seriously.

Also, a trader who learns to manage investors' money usually becomes much better at trading for himself.

Now, if you aspire to trade for others

… you'll want to go through this playlist:

>> Watch: T

Again, treat this as a university course and go through it one video at a time.

The playlist linked above has been built by myself and some of the best professional traders in the world!

#9: Are online prop firms scams?

I can't answer this for all firms online…

but I decided to explore that a little more in the past year or so.

Here are the prop firms that you can trust:

>> Watch:

The reason they are trustable is that many of my students use them and have received their payments from those firms.

You need to understand, however, that online prop firms have some disadvantages over private investors.

Watch to learn more!

#10: How can you help me quit my job & trade full-time?

Not long after I began trading while traveling in 2017, I became obsessed with helping other traders do the same.

Ultimately, I know everyone has its own definition of what freedom means.

But my goal is to help you get there through trading.

Right the 2 things we have going on are:

  • : the place to surround yourself with other traders and practice what you need to trade full-time.
  • : it's a tool (algo) I created to trade my strategy with more automation. It'll send you alerts when my setup appears in the market.

To become part of our Academy, you'll need to .

That's because we are only looking for people who are serious and that we are 100% sure we can help.

So I hope that answered some of your questions!

Keep crushing it 💪📈

~ Etienne Crete

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Top 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions By Aspiring Traders