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Etienne Crete

Etienne Crete

My name is Etienne Crete (from Montreal, Canada). I'm a swing trader and help aspiring Forex traders develop a trading method that works for them so they can produce income allowing them to live with more freedom. I've interviewed the greatest figures of the trading world and consider it my mission to help you implement their advice!

Hugh Kimura: Trading Lifestyle & The Evolution of a Forex Trader

Trading Lifestyle & The Evolution Of A Forex Trader – Show Notes Hugh Kimura, the founder of Trading Heroes, is a Forex trader in the progress toward leaving his job to trade Forex …

“Only 5% of the population has its goals written down on paper and that 5% makes more than the other 95% combined.” – Peter Voogd I decided to share the goals I want …

Desire To Trade Podcast – Episode 002 Houston Truong is a stock & future trader and coach living in Montreal, Canada. He runs a blog called The Trading Edge as well as a …

Desire To Trade Podcast – Episode 001 Andrew Mitchem has a fascinating story. Now a Forex trading coach, he started as a farmer and transitioned into trading almost by accident in 2003. His …

Listen to the audio episode: (05:15) 0.75x 1x 1.25x 1.5x 2x 0:0005:15 Introduction & What to Expect – Desire To Trade Podcast Leave a ReviewApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsShare Listen in a New WindowDownloadSoundCloudStitcherSubscribe on …
A Simple Trade Management Strategy To Get More Profit

At various occasions, while I was trying to trade profitably, Forex trading became very frustrating. One of the reasons why that happened was that many of my trades would move into a profit …

While the fear of losing money is quite common among new traders, there are a few other main fears that makes it hard for traders to reach a peak trading performance. They were fully described …

 Photo: Certain rights reserved, by Rupert Ganzer Recently, I started asking myself a couple of questions. I believe there are so many reasons why trading is a good discipline. However, one could argue that …
starting to trade Forex

In 2012, I opened my account with a Forex broker. It is quite hard to remember the exact reason I decided to trade because several factors were involved. However, thinking about it today, …
Trading Quote Image

I have always been interested by quotes. They tend to provide great lessons and a deeper understanding of a particular thing or discipline. For traders, there is always a period where we feel …

Part of my improvement process as a Forex trading has been to start tracking every single of my trades with a trading journal. That has resulted in fabulous results and I want to …

Over time, as I talk to more and more people, I realize that a lot of people are interested in trading. After all, I understand those people. The idea that you could make …