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Getting in the optimal state before trading is crucial. In short, you must start your trading day the right way. In fact, the simple act of not being in the right state to …

2015 has been such an amazing year for me and DesireToTRADE. I started the Desire To Trade Podcast and interviewed awesome guests. By the end of the year, I have been able to …
podcasts I listen to

As of January 2015, around 17% of American listened to podcasts. Although it is still a small number to me, it almost doubled since 2008. At the time, only 8% of American tuned in …
difficulties in trading

Beginning traders often face hard times when starting to trade. Whether they trade on a live or demo account, the difficulties faced by different new traders are often the same. I’ve made a …

 Photo: Certain rights reserved, by Rupert Ganzer Recently, I started asking myself a couple of questions. I believe there are so many reasons why trading is a good discipline. However, one could argue that …
Trading Quote Image

I have always been interested by quotes. They tend to provide great lessons and a deeper understanding of a particular thing or discipline. For traders, there is always a period where we feel …

here are two types of successful traders in life. Those who make money and those making an astonishing amount of money. The difference between those two only comes down to one word: ambition. …