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Habits & Preparation

Mission To Help New Traders - Steve Burns

Mission To Help New Traders – Steve Burns Episode 25 of the Desire To Trade Podcast features Steve Burns, a long time trader with a passion for financial markets. After his start as an …

Getting in the optimal state before trading is crucial. In short, you must start your trading day the right way. In fact, the simple act of not being in the right state to …
Yvan Byeajee Interview

Yvan Byeajee: Change Your Life And Trading Yvan Byeajee has been an active stock trader for the past 8 years. His long-lasting interest and fascination for the financial world made him stick to trading …

Desire To Trade Podcast – Episode 002 Houston Truong is a stock & future trader and coach living in Montreal, Canada. He runs a blog called The Trading Edge as well as a …