The Desire To Trade Podcast is the #1 Forex trading podcast aiming to help aspiring traders get profitable an scale up their trading.
Having interviewed more guests than on almost any other trading podcast, Etienne Crete noticed the power of surrounding himself with other successful traders in 2015. This is what helped him transform his trading career.
Each week, you’ll learn from a successful trader, hear their story, and advice to make it in trading. We’ve been going on since 2016!
If you want to watch the video version of these trader interviews, head over to this Youtube playlist!
No matter how far into my trading journey I get I always enjoy Etienne’s podcasts for more knowledge, education, and motivation.
There is only a few traders I follow. Etienne Crete is my number 1 follow and his podcast is the go to info to become a profitable trader. He has all the best traders on and the information is invaluable.
Started my trading journey at the end of of the crypto bubble Loose a lot of money with trading gurus!! Struggling and Scrolling around YouTube I found Etienne and is interview with Chris Tate!! Tate said that markets are between your ears!! That was mind blowing!! I started looking at trading differently, from an psychological perspective I’ve listening to almost all the interviews, there is so much to learn!! I found where the best content is.. I really appreciate y Etiennes work It really changed my approach to trading and kept me away from a lot of struggles Most appreciated Etienne
This podcast channel (Desire To Trade) has taken me out of many dark moments in my head and made me feel like I’m not alone. Mandy, Michael and many others have been my coaches on this journey of mine and I’m thankful
I’ve been following Etienne since the beginning and this podcast is priceless for the content it has and the knowledge it provides to aspiring traders. He has helped me tremendously in my trading.